15+ Best Free Content Writing Tools

15+ Best Free Content Writing Tools

It can be an uphill battle for content writers to curate high-quality content day in and out. 

However, without quality content, the digital marketing domain cannot survive. 

Quality content lays the strong foundation for digital marketing professionals to showcase their talent. This helps in promoting their high-quality content to reach higher SERPs.

The demand for creative and captivating content is everlasting. If you do not believe us, look at this statistic by Demand Metric. 

According to their survey, 91% of B2B marketers and 86% of B2C marketers use content marketing. This is where free content writer tools come into the picture.

However, before discussing the tools, let us look at the definition of content writing tools.

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Definition of Content Writing Tools

Simply put, content writing tools are nothing but software that helps writers research the subject matter they are writing about. It helps them to curate content and enhance their readability before publishing the write-up. 

These types of website content writer software aid you in making your write-ups more engaging and exclusive. In short, they make your write-ups look great for the readers. 

Free Content Writer Tools to Enhance Your Skills as a Writer

We have looked at the best content-writing websites and found they all share one thing. They are using the best content writing tools to enhance the quality of their write-ups.

To help you gain the upper hand, we have provided a list of free content writer tools to help your writing skills. 

This has become even more crucial now than ever before for writers to upscale themselves.

These tools for content writers will help them achieve this objective with absolutely zero fuss.

So, let us start with the list.

Free Research Content Writing Tools

Here is a list of free research content writing tools that every content writer should use in their everyday professional life.

1. Answer in Public

Answer in Public

Answer in Public is a multipurpose free research content writing tool. It utilizes widely popular search engines to execute invaluable insights by providing questions about the topic at hand. 

With its help, writers and researchers can comprehend common queries and draft targeted content that goes well with their target audience. 

Key Features

  • Employs popular search engine information to provide audience-driven questions
  • Assists writers in comprehending common queries about the topic
  • Executes content ideas based on real user questions
  • Facilitates targeted and engaged article creation for writers

2. Google Alerts

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is an influential free research content writing tool. It enables users to get email notifications on their targeted keywords or topics of interest that are the latest in trends.

This assists writers to keep themselves informed and updated. It helps them discover new ideas and create them on a timely basis.

Key Features

  • Customized email alerts on specific keywords
  • Allows content creation by tracking trending topics and news
  • Aids in competitor analysis with the help of keyword monitoring
  • Ascertains niche-specific discussions for targeting focused audience

Google Trends

Google Trends is an exceptional free research content writing tool. It provides real-time insights into the popularity of search queries. 

By comprehending which topics resonate with the audience, writers can create timely and engaging write-ups.

Key Features

  • Offers free access to real-time search data
  • Allows content writers to ascertain trending topics
  • Explore keyword popularity
  • Gain valuable insights for curating relevant and engaging content

4. WordStream


Wordsteam is an all-inclusive and free research content writing tool. It assists writers in optimizing their content for search engines. 

With the help of this tool for content writing, writers can target the right keywords and create compelling content that drives organic traffic and engagement.

Key Features

  • Provides competitive analysis insights to ascertain market opportunities
  • Provides content suggestions based on keyword research and user intent
  • Supports SEO to drive organic traffic
  • Helps discover relevant and high-performing keywords

5. Hubspot’s Blog Idea Generator

Hubspot Blog Generator

Hubspot’s Blog Idea Generator is a priceless research content-writing tool. 

This tool can provide a constant stream of fresh and engaging content ideas, which assures the writer that they can provide high-quality content to their target audience.

Key Features

  • Executives creative blog ideas on the basis of keywords
  • Provides a fresh stream of engaging content suggestions
  • Customizes content according to specific keywords and target audience
  • Simplifies the process of idea discovery

Free SEO Content Writing Tools

Here is a list of free SEO content writing tools that you must check out today!

1. Hemingway Editor


Hemingway Editor is a free SEO content writing tool that assists writers in crafting clear and concise content. 

Its readability analysis helps writers to optimize their text to enhance user experience.

Key Features

  • Highlights complex sentences for clarity
  • Suggests simpler options
  • Provides readability analysis for enhanced user experience and SEO optimization
  • Helps writers draft clear and precise content for better search engine visibility

2. GoogleDocs

Google Docs

Google Docs provides a user-friendly platform for writers to create, edit, and optimize content.

It consists of in-built collaboration features that increase productivity and SEO performance.

Key Features

  • Built-in collaboration features for team collaboration
  • Supports SEO through keyword integration and formatting tools
  • Can be used across devices which increases productivity

3. Google Analytics

Google Anlytics

Google Analytics is a key free SEO content writing tool that provides all-inclusive website insights.

It allows writers to measure content performance, ascertain audience behavior, and refine strategies for enhanced SEO.

Key Features

  • Provides all-inclusive website insights for content performance analysis
  • Ascertains audience behavior and content engagement patterns
  • Facilitates SEO strategy refinement through data-driven decisions
  • Assists writers in optimizing content for better search engine visibility

4. SEMRush


SEMRush helps writers with relevant SEO statistics, competitor analysis, and keyword research.

This aids writers to improve their content strategies and boost search engine rankings.

Key Features

  • Provides important SEO information and competitor analysis for content optimization
  • Provides free keyword research tools
  • Improves content strategies and search engine rankings
  • Helps writers with valuable insights for effective content creation

Free Grammar and Editing Content Writing Tools

Here is a list of free content writing tools for grammar and editing purposes.

1. Grammarly


Grammarly is a top-notch grammar and editing content tool that helps writers improve their writing precision and clarity.

It seamlessly helps writers by ascertaining and correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Key Features

  • Finds out and corrects grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes
  • Enhances writing precision and clarity
  • Provides a user-friendly interface that helps in effortless editing
  • Assists writers in producing polished and error-free content without much fuss

2. Hemingway App


Hemingway App is a free content writing tool for grammar and editing purposes.

It helps writers create clear and concise content by highlighting complex sentences and providing simpler options.

Key Features

  • Highlights complex sentences for clarity
  • Suggests simpler options for enhanced writing
  • Provides readability analysis to increase the overall quality of content
  • Assists writers in drafting clear and concise content 

3. WordTune


WordTune is a great free grammar and editing content writing tool that improves writing efficiency by suggesting optional words and phrases.

With its AI-powered capabilities, WordTune helps writers to enhance their writing style and expression.   

Key Features

  • Provides optional words and phrases for improved writing
  • Polishes and refines content with minimal fuss
  • Utilizes AI-powered capabilities to enhance writing style and expression
  • Improves the efficiency of writing to a great final output

4. Small SEO Tools

Small SEO Tools

SmallSEOTools provides a wide array of services like grammar check, plagiarism detection, and content optimization, allowing writers to create error-free and SEO-friendly content.

Its user-friendly interface allows for a smooth writing process and enhances the overall writing quality for better engagement and search engine visibility.        

Key Features

  • Provides grammar check for error-free content
  • Helps in content optimization, which improves SEO
  • Comprises a user-friendly interface to provide a seamless writing experience

Miscellaneous Content Writing Tools

Apart from the categories mentioned above, there are four more free content writing tools that we have mentioned below, naming them miscellaneous content writing tools.

1. Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder


Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder is a free content writing tool allowing users to capture, edit, and annotate screenshots and screen recordings without fuss.

It comprises many features that assist writers in improving the visual elements of their content, creating engaging tutorials, and effectively communicating ideas.

Key Features

  • Take screenshots, edit, and annotate with screen recordings
  • Improve the visual element of your content through engaging tutorials
  • Use various features of the tools to communicate your ideas effectively

2. Canva


Canva is an ingenious content creation tool that helps users design stunning graphics, presentations, social media visuals, etc.

It is an absolute blessing for writers looking to enhance their visual content.

Key Features

  • Creative content creation for graphics, presentations, social media visuals, etc.
  • Various types of templates and customization alternatives available for stunning visuals
  • Improves visual content and content strategy

3. HubSpot’s Free Stock Photos

HubSpot’s Free Stock Photos

Hubspot’s Free Stock Photos is like McKenna’s Gold for writers.

It provides a comprehensive range of high-quality and captivating images for articles, blogs, and social media, making the overall content more appealing.

Key Features

  • Consists of several high-quality and captivating photos
  • Extensive library for versatile content improvement
  • Complements different forms of content like blog posts, articles, and social media content

4. humaans


humaans is a cutting-edge content creation tool that provides a wide array of customizable illustrations that assist writers in adding creativity to their content.

It has a user-friendly interface that allows writers to incorporate visual elements in their write-ups to make their content presentation go a notch further.

Key Features

  • Comprises of a wide array of customizable illustrations
  • Integrates creativity and exclusivity to your content
  • Comes with a user-friendly interface that makes it effortless to incorporate visual elements

Need for Content Writing Tools

Today with the advancement in technology, we are seeing AI tools like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard AI that have made the condition tougher for writers. 

To combat this situation, we have explained the list of free content writer tools that can be a blessing in this write-up.

These tools for content writers help them keep up with the pace to meet the large demands without sacrificing the overall quality.

Content writing tools were invented to help writers maintain quality in their content and productivity.

With the help of these best content writing tools, writers can enhance the quality of their writing. They can also curate branded marketing content, execute topic ideas, etc.

 We comprehend that hundreds of content writing tools are available in the market. This can make your task a bit challenging. Hence, we have created this list of free content-writing tools in 2023.

Final Words

The content writer tools mentioned in this write-up can be a blessing when you wish to enhance the quality of your content. However, please remember that no matter how useful these tools get, they can never replace the importance of quality content.

The best thing you can do is comprehend your customers’ needs. Then draft your content accordingly. This way, you will understand the problems they are facing. You can then take this chance to solve their problems through your content.

But, as a content creator, having your heart in the right place is important. Once you can do that, many free content writing tools are available to enhance your writing skills.